NATA elects new Executive Committee North American Telugu Association (NATA) successfully conducted their annual board meeting at Bellagio, Las Vegas, in January. Meeting started with opening remarks from Advisory Council Chairman Dr. Prem Reddy, who praised past President Dr. Mohan Mallam and outgoing EC for their achievements during 2015-16 and the convention committee for successfully conducting the NATA 2016 Dallas Convention.
Dr. Prem Reddy mentioned about the idea of having a Mega Convention in association with sister organizations ATA and TATA in Philadelphia. Board has agreed to this proposal and passed a resolution unanimously to have the Mega Convention hosted by NATA, ATA and TATA in 2018. This is the first step and a lot of details to be worked out in coming months to make this Mega Convention a reality.
Later President Mohan Mallam has presented a video with all the accomplishments of outgoing team, highlighting NATA Seva Days & Dallas Convention, and thanked Dallas Convention team Dr. Ramana Reddy Guduru, Rama Surya Reddy and Sridhar Korsapati for making it a grand success. Later Dr. Mallam passed the gavel to new President Rajeshwar Reddy Gangasani. In his opening remarks, Rajeshwar Reddy told that he has served various committees for past 15 years and worked hard to become the president of NATA. After taking the oath, new board has unanimously elected the following Executive Committee:
New Executive Committee 2017-18:
President: Rajeshwar Reddy Gangasani
President Elect: Dr. Raghava Reddy Ghosala
Executive Vice President: Dr. Sridhar Reddy Korsapati
Secretary: Srikanth Reddy Penumada
Treasurer: Chinnababu Reddy
Joint Secretary: Anna Reddy
Joint Treasurer: Srini Vangimalla
International Vice Presidents: Dr. Samba Reddy, Pratap Bhimireddy, Srinivas Ganagoni
National Convention Adviser: Bala Indurti
BODs for 2017-2018:
Anjan Karnati, Anna Reddy, Babu Rao Samala, Bala Indurti, Chinna Babu Reddy, Dwarak Varanasi, Hari Velkur, Janardhan Reddy Boyella, Mallik Banda, Mallikharjun Jerripothula, Mohan Kaladi, Mohan Reddy Talamati, Narayana Reddy Gandra, Pradeep Samala, Prasuna Reddy Dornadula, Raghava Reddy Ghosala, Raghurami Reddy Etukuru, Rajeshwar Reddy Gangasani, Rama Surya Reddy, Sarath Mandapati, Sekhar Konala, Sridhar Korsapati, Srikanth Penumada, Srinivas Vangimalla, Srinivasa Reddy Alla, Srinivasa Reddy Kotlure, Dr. Tara Kumar Reddy, Venkata Ramana Reddy Murari, Venkatarami Reddy Sanivarapu.
Other Advisory Council members AVN Reddy, Jithender Reddy, Dr. Adisesha Reddy and Dr. Stanley Reddy also praised past President Dr. Mohan Mallam and outgoing EC for their achievements.
Dr. Raghava Reddy Ghosala mentioned that 2,300 families have joined during these 2 years period and thanked each and every NATA Leader including BODs, RVPs, SCs and RCs who worked tirelessly in organizing membership drives and thanked Dr. Prem Reddy for sponsoring membership drives. Girish Ramireddy explained that the response he got for NATA Idol was tremendous and thanked Advisory Council and board of directors to have confidence on him. Hari Velkur has thanked all the donors and NATA leaders for their contribution to all NATA activities including convention.
Special thanks to Dr. Dwarakanatha Reddy and GBK Murthy who came all the way from India to attend this event. Other leaders Ramesh Appareddy, Sanjeeva Reddy, Prasad Jeereddi, Chandra Sekhara Reddy Narala, Rami Alla Reddy, Dr. Rami Reddy Buchipudi, Kiran Gunnam, Ravi Kandimalla, Jayachandra Reddy, Sandya Reddy, Padma Mallam, Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi Appareddy were also present. Over 300 NATA members from various states attended this event and congratulated newly elected leaders.
News Posted: 4 February, 2017