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Articles: My Experience
My feelings about god!
- Ms. Sowmya V.B.
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I always wonder, who is God? is there one? Some people says that HE is omnipresent- a sarvaaMtaryAmi and those very people are addicted to rock worship in temples. I wonder- why should they be particular about going to a temple if God can be found right in front of them? Some people says that God is in every man. But, even many of these people do not practise what they say. They don't care for a fellow human's concern. Some say, there is no God at all! But, they didn't provide me the reason for the way things happen. Some people call themselves the 'vedantis' and say - 'Its all our Karma'. But, I don't understand - what God is HE who punishes people for something that they did way back in their past life. Thus say the different concepts on God. I never had belief in any of these principles. I just remained insensitive & indiferent to GOD. As a child, God just meant me the sweet prasaadam offered in his abode-the temple. But, sometimes, I feel I need to re-think. Few months back, I went to a temple. Instead of entering the sanctum sanctorum, I was just walking around it. I found a hospital, a mental asylum, a good library and a computer institute too! I expected the library to be full of the Godly books and the likes. But, to my astonishment, I realised- the library had more of technical, medical books and some nice fiction, non-fiction books there! Even the hospitals and other activities were secular in their truest sense. Besides these, there was a lot of social work done there. It kept coming in to my thoughts since that day. Perhaps for the first time, I saluted the concept called GOD. Just opposite to it was a mobile news paper reading outlet. This is indeed a service to humanity. Service to man is service to god - a saying practised in the truest sense! I knew of a person, who was always friendly and helpful to everybody. He was an epitome of love. He talked as lovingly to a sweeper in his office as he did with his family members. In the small town I lived, most of the people knew most of the people. I never heard anyone talking bad of him. Further, the only words I heard from the people who had no relation with him, not even good friendship - just a customer-vendor or a owner-worker relation were - 'Ayana dEvuDu' (HE is god). Then I understood what God is. I understood the principle of godliness-'live and let live'. Very recently, While I was watching the movie - 'aa naluguru' (with Rajendraprasad in the lead), I understood the purpose of living. I saw a divinity in the lead character, Raghuram's way of living.

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