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Articles: My Experience
College Days
- Ms. Sowmya V.B.
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March is always exciting, not only that the exam fever mounts and starts taking its toll in the form of more night-outs and less movies but also for the farewell parties of various colleges in the city. People live together for most of the active day for around four years, get accustomed to life at that pace, pranks, jokes, comments, gossips and chat..all these are going to end with in a month! Life’s strange. Or is it the sands of time acting in a strange way? A few years back, when everybody is fresh from a grilling two year tenure as an intermediete student, everything looked new in an engineering college. The drafter is the thing that frightened me the most. Even now, it is so. The sheer number of subjects and labs that one has to appear was one more factor of bother. But, above all, going to a college far away from my house was what which bothered me the most. I was reminded of my school days, the days when I, always in a jolly mood used to go to school on a bicycle,chatting with my friends throughout. Some times, we used to keep a race. Some times, we used to walk, with our cycles by our side. Occasionally, I used to go on a bike too. But, now, everything is gonna change. A college in outskirts means no cycles..only bus. An hour of bus journey! I felt like going to some other town everyday. I was also apprehensive about the people I meet there. I doubted if I can mingle with them well. Looking back now, all those apprehensions I had 4 years ago amuses me. The first year was probably the longest of all. With the fear of ragging, one never ventures out of the first year block. The intensity with which I used to hate bunking classes then astonishes me now. But, the first year too has its share of memories-friendship with certain classmates andseniors, getting ragged(though only slightly), going out with friends and above all, finding some of the best people around with me. The Bus journey, which I dreaded the most was perhaps the most interesting of all the journeys I ever did. All of us, first years had a wonderful time together. Chatting, playing games, gossiping, commenting upon others secretly were all a part of the journey. The second year came…I felt I was on top of the world. Now, I am no more a junior. I am promoted to being a senior. I can rag my juniors now. I still remember how I waited for the juniors to arrive. Some of them are good friends now. The bus journey became even more interesting now. It became a part and parcel of the life. Ofcourse, heres where bunking classes began for me as a hobby and later as a full time profession! Then, came the third year….it was here probably that I felt I was more polite to the juniors than I was last year. 1 year of maturity may be the reason. The college bus, the driver and the conductor and us-everybody knew everybody. Ofcourse, the thoughts about future, which I never gave an ear before, began now. Though that never changed my attitude towards classes. At last, final year. For the first part, the whole worry was about placements. After that it was attendance shortage. Ragging was missing. I didn’t feel like ragging at all. Now, I am only an observer-like R.K.Laxman’s common man. Going around the college, chatting for a long time at the canteen took over the charge from class attendance. Now came the farewell. All these 4 years of my college life were re-wound again. The comments that we passed over lecturers and students alike, The way we tried to hide from the lecturer whose class we bunked that day, the way I tried to smile when I saw the most boring person in the college, the way I teased some of my frens, the way we played(sometimes), the way we all sat in front of the library building during the exams like very sincere people with all our heads inside the books and brains thinking-“what question will be given?”, the freshers we gave to the juniors and the freshers we got from our seniors, the farewell we gave to our seniors and the farewell we got from juniors were perhaps some of the important events. After one month, we all leave the college, some go back to our native places, jobs and a totally different life…..and perhaps some of us may never see it again one might forget the college….but, can one forget the college-life? “student life chaala jolly, rammanna raadu malli” says a film song. Oh! Yes, there are those exams,assignments and labs too in student life. But, it is always the brighter side dominating this darker side in student life. What do you say?

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