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Articles: Philosophy
Enmity shadows you in the next birth too?
- Mrs. sharmila Sanka
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Enemy is one whose frequency doesn’t match with ours or it matches so well that he becomes an enemy to us. If the mentalities and characteristics of two persons are same and they happen to be egoistic, then chances are that, they either become worst enemies or good friends. In this busy world, we don’t have much time for friends itself what to speak of enemies. According to me, it is important to let go of the enmity once for all and there are good reasons behind it. Jealousy, ego, money, hatred, love, beauty, talent, skill, knowledge, fame and many more aspects lead to enmity. If any person has enmity on us for no reason or for reasons any, it is not our problem. But if we are a part of it, we need to let go of the enmity in this life itself. A great being said,” Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called 'Ego'.' Ego plays a vital role for enmity to rise to peaks. If we have enmity towards a person, we exchange hatred towards each other when ever we are face to face or when we talk about them. So such hostile vibrations pass on to each other without our knowledge letting us hate more and more though we don’t utter a word to each other. So when it repeats for years together, imagine the intensity of enmity which deepens in our hearts like roots. One enmity might lead to another. Gradually our attitude changes leading us to think the same way whomever we come across in our life. There is a saying in Telugu language which goes this way. “RuNa sesham, Satru sesham undaraadu.” Why is it said so? If we lead a life of enmity and die without dealing with it or putting an end to it, we will have to finish off the remainder of our enmity in our next birth. When we are born again, we have the same hostile feeling we had in our previous lives towards the same person but in different form. So it goes on and on without an end or break. Sometimes we wonder as to why we have enmity on that person when we never met them before. We will have to be born again and again in order to finish off that enmity. So why not end our ego and also end our enmity in this life itself? Never think this is foolishness or words of educated sentimental fool. Though it is tough to do, it is practical. But it involves crushing the ego in order to let go of the enmity. Saying sorry is not wrong. Feeling sorry our whole life is wrong. Let’s do our part not minding of other person’s reaction or response. Do not expect anything while you say sorry. If the other person cannot get rid of his enmity, though you tried by killing your ego, it is the other person’s problem, not yours. You did your part. You will not be born again with enmity, while the other person has to. He will bear this his whole life showing it on other person destined in his next birth. Sometimes our little mind makes us think that our enemy’s mistake should not be forgiven. But didn’t we make terrible mistakes or sins anytime in our life? Didn’t people or the law forgive us? Above all, is not the Lord forgiving our innumerable mistakes in the form of our thoughts, words and deeds each and every day? When we develop such broadened feelings of forgiveness, we shall surely forgive our greatest enemies too. Ask your own conscience if we really didn’t do any mistakes. One might think as to why he needs to kill his ego and live his life? Why should he be the first one to say sorry? There are reasons for this too. We need to learn many life lessons in every birth. Life lessons might take many different forms both positive and negative. Start treating your enemy as a friend. Often your enemies on the earth plane can be your friends from the realms of spiritual world who have come to help you to learn lessons and grow thereby in life. If you have hatred in your hearts because people have hurt you, that will never be dealt with and will be taken birth after birth until in one birth it will manifest as illness. Every soul, who comes into your life, comes to teach you something. Instead of developing hatred, convert that hatred into love; thank the person for being there to help you indirectly. In your previous birth, you yourself asked this person to act as your enemy in your next life in order for you to learn life lessons. He promised you to help you grow in your life. The more life lessons you learn, the more higher and faster you grow on your spiritual path. So the present enemy is really not your enemy but your friend in your previous birth who said he would stand by you at all times negatively for you to learn lessons easily though bitter. So in this present life, he has become your enemy. Behind every enmity, there is a hard lesson to learn. So learn the lesson from it and let go of that enmity for ever in this life and move on further. Never let hatred sit and rest on your heart even for a while. If any enmity or grudge is left over in you, beware, it follows you like a shadow in your next birth, in turn leading to more number of births. A tough lesson in life is that not everybody wishes you well. But still keep going. Laugh and leave anger. Love and live longer. Sharmila Sanka

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