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Articles: Philosophy
The Inner World Of Motion
- Mr. Murali Mohan Sharma IRIVENTI
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“ALL THIS, WHATEVER MOVES IN THIS MOVING WORLD,IS ENVELOPED BY GOD” (Isavasyam idam sarvam yat kinya jagatyam jagatam ) ------ISAVASYA UPANISHAD. Meterialism asserts that there are no Absolute Truths…there is no any kind of non physical agency….but the reality is that the very motion,which is seemingly an effect of a physical effort, it self is backed by a non physical agency and there is an Absolute truth about the motion of objects. Yes, the very motion of any thing in the controlled direction is impossible without His presense…His involvement.The cause of motion is only seemingly physical(what we call MAYA)….But the reality is different. Only His presence..His grace is that what makes the things move in a controlled direction. What I discovered out of over 12 years of my painstaking research on the subject of AIMING is that very 'thing in it self' behind the human mind's control of the directional and spin motion of a ball and this could prove that directional control is not ,as is usually believed by most of the players,the 'slight trick' of neither our sight(focus) nor that of the muscles of our hands etc., but it the 'slight trick' of our mind.(the mental chanting of a simple thought at the time of sroke delivery). The controlled motion of a ball hit by a golf champion or a billiard master or the arrow shot made by a expert archer etc…are a few examples of the above fact about the cause of motion .This expertise of those masters is usually attributed to their individual talent or practice and this talent is usually regarded as an acquired skill. In reality it is only a sort of betterment of their feel of His presence (OM energy)which is always made available on their minds through their act of invocation in the form of the act of concentration.That’s why the ability of getting the directional control of a ball is regarded as a thing of feel or some thing instinctual. His presence or grace is made available on the mind in the form of a ‘thought’.This ‘simple thought’ purely a non- material thing is that what is the Absolute Reality behind the directional control of the motion of a ball of a golfer or cueist or a arrow - shot by an archer .Infact , it is a thing like ‘mental chanting’ that is affecting the direction !Without this ‘chant’ the motion of a ball or an arrow is impossible or atleast the direction of it is out of our control. Our visual focus or our knowledge of all the externals like aim point ,angles etc.,has nothing to do with the shot making of these players.What matters is if the ‘mental chanting’ is done or not (consciously (as I can do now)or unconsciously(as a trained champion does). For this non physical agency the subject has to depend on his concentration.This thing what we call concentration is not ,as we suppose, is not brain related.The very concentration is nothing but a mental process of invoking that divine non physical agency.The subject is able to achieve the directional control his shot as long as he is able to fixc his mental focus on this non physical divine thought which is made available on his mind throughhis invocation (concentration).This is what actually happens whenever the subject tries his concentration skill and concentration,as is usually supposed, is not ‘emptying’ the mind or fixing our visual focus on a fixed point as we usually do in the name of meditation. My research results confirm all that what I said above with regard to the directional copntrol of as ball.Any golfer, a cuiest,an archer,or a rifle shooter could test the validity(divinity too) of my discovery. Not just these sports persons alone…..the rationalists like Mr.James Randi(millian$ prize fame) and all the interested skeptics could also test what I am talking about. I am sure my discovery would be a challenge to the modern science as to how a non physical entity (mental chanting of a simple thought) could be vital and the Absolute Reality about it. ”Yogo gnanam taha sankhyam vidyaah shilpadikarma cha Vedah shastrani vignanam yetatsarvam janardanath”----Gita -------I.Murali Mohan Sharma (

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