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Wife and Husband...test yourself..
- Mr. Vachaspati Velavartipati
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TEST OF DISAGREEMENT ON ISSUES IMPORTANT TO MARRIAGE HOW TO TAKE THIS TEST Velavartipati Vachaspati, M.A (Political Science), M.A (Anthropology), NET (Aanthropology). Mailto: The following test is neither a thorough test of marital adjustment nor an infallible forecasting device but taken by two parties it gives a rough measure of disagreement on a few issues important in marriage. It can provoke useful discussion, and other issues may arise which can be put in the same format. The items are derived from a study by Kirkpatrick and Hobart of 306 couples for the most part students at Indiana University. From this abbreviated schedule, one would expect scores from 50 with a favourite date to 28 with a congenial spouse. Of course, more honest opinions are expressed without another party looking over your shoulder. Select the number that best expresses your feeling about each of the 46 statements: Strongly agree-5; agree-4; undecided-3; disagree-2; strongly disagree-1; Let your partner select the number of match his feelings about each statement. Your score for each statement is the difference between the numbers both of you picked. If you and he selected the same number on a statement, your disagreement score that state is 0. If you answer 5 and he answers 1 your disagreement score is 4. Put your disagreement score in the space next to the statement. Add these scores to get your total rating. 1. In my marriage I want the wife to be first of all a mother and home-maker. 2. I would object to long and frequent visits from wife’s parents after marriage. 3. In my married life I want to go places and do things. 4. I want the kind of marriage in which the husband provides intellectual companionship for his wife. 5. I want the kind of marriage in which the husband shows romantic attentions to his wife. 6. In my marriage I would regard extreme moral or personal defects in the wife as grounds for divorce. 7. I want my children reared in the religions faith. 8. I want the kind of marriage in which money is spent for nice things rather than saved. 9. In my marriage I want the wife always to comply with her husband’s sexual desires. 10. In my marriage I want the wife free to keep her personal ideas and thoughts to herself. 11. I would accept an obligation to support the husband’s parents if this should become necessary. 12. I want the kind of marriage in which the husband confides completely in his wife. 13. I want our children to be strictly trained with the aid of physical punishment as needed. 14. in my marriage I do not want family priests attendance. 15. I want a home in which one can relax and not worry about a little dirt and disorder. 16. I want the husband to be the chief breadwinner for the family. 17. I want the kind of marriage in which the wife participates extensively in secular activities. 18. I would want to make whatever family sacrifices are necessary in order to have several children. 19. I would regard extreme moral or personal defects in the husband as grounds for divorce. 20. I want an equal sharing of housework if both husband and wife are gainfully employed. 21. In my marriage I want the husband to provide the wife and with an adequate personal spending allowance. 22. I want my children reared in the conservative manner. 23. in my marriage I want the wife to be neat and well groomed at all times. 24. I want the kind of marriage in which the husband is encouraged to get ahead in the world even if there is some interference with home life. 25. in my marriage I would not approve of divorce in spite of marital unhappiness. 26. I feel that employed husband should keep his homemaking wife with housework in the evening. 27. I would object too long and frequent visits from the husband’s parents after marriage. 28. I would want our babies to be give satisfaction with regard to feeding and training, rather than making then live on schedule. 29. I want the kind of marriage in which the wife shows wifely devotion to her husband’s convenience and comfort in the home. 30. in my marriage I want a point of view such that an occasional date by the wife with another man is alright. 31. in my marriage I want a wife’s parents to give advise concerning our children. 32. I want the kind of marriage in which the wife provides intellectual companionship for her husband. 33. I would seek a divorce if my children were suffering from my unhappy marriage. 34. I want the father to have his way when there is a difference of opinion regarding the discipline of children. 35. I would want to postpone having children for a few years after my marriage. 36. I would accept the obligation to support the wife’s parents if necessary. 37. I want my children reared in the non religious manner. 38. In case of conflict of interests in my marriage I want the husband to decide the place of the family residence. 39. In my marriage I would warned husband’s parents to give help and advise concerning the rearing of our children. 40. In my marriage I want the husband to be neat and well groomed at all times. 41. In my marriage I want to do a lot of entertain in my home. 42. In my marriage I want the wife to have the privilege of regulating the circumstances of the sexual contacts. 43. In my marriage I want the wife to be primarily in a companion in recreational and social activities. 44. in my marriage I want the wife to budget and supervise the family income. 45. in my marriage I want a point of view such that occasional date by the husband with another women is alright. 46. In my marriage I want the husband to wear the jeans. Now, start testing…..

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