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Articles: Politics
- Mr. Raghava Gavaravarapu
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THE EVER BOILING IRAQ Yet another farcical development reached its conclusion! The recently concluded national referendum in Iraq on ' New text of Iraq Constitution' elicited the desired public support. This paves way for kick starting the democratization process in the battered-country. The Iraqi rulers bragged about the success of referendum, claiming 78% people consented for the Constitution in a nation-wide referendum held on Oct 15. But they seem to have overlooked the fact that the referendum was bitterly opposed by Sunni population. The whole process would have gone haywire in the event of the opposing sections mustering 3/3 majority, in at least 3 out of 18 Provinces in Iraq. It can be guaranteed now that Iraq Parliament can go to elections in Dec this year, with the major barrier getting cleared due to the approval of the draft constitution. The democracy can be resurrected according to the choicest manner the US desires so.Nobody expected the Referendum would bring together the Iraqis but it created a yawning gap among themselves. Even though Sunni Arabs constituted a mere 1/5 of the two and half crore Iraq population, they still played key role during the reign of Saddam Hussain. Shias form 60%, while Kurds are 20% of the total Iraq population. The reason for their disinclination to Referendum could be attributed to their fear of losing rich Oil fields, if regional self autonomy were to be given on the basis of the Referendum results. Eventually their apprehensions came true as Iraq fell apart. As can be seen in Iraq south, Shias conquered central parts of country, whereas North territory is dominated by Kurds. Sunnis are left with the western regions, alongside the suburbs of battle-ridden Baghdad. Subsequently this led to deeper differences beween these religion heads. In the near future in Iraq, this could spark more trouble. America was ecstatic at getting the overwhelming support for Referendum. However it's joy was shorlived following the demise of US Staff Sergeant George Alexander Junior Killeen, following being seriously wounded in a bomb-attack occurred on 17th Oct. US army suffered heavy casualty ever since Iraq slipped into its hold on March 23, 2001. 2000 US soldiers perished in the post-war scenario. Nevertheless, USA is determined to put the premium on the lives its soldiers. It is the world super power's propensity to take control of the oil-rich country, which is causing bloodshed in Iraq. America spent nearly $ 200 billion for launching war on Iraq. It is lamentable that US's penchant for launching war has not subsided despite taking away the lives of 30,000 Iraqis. 'To win war against terrorism more sacrifices combined with a strong resolve are needed' says US President Bush. Despite the presence of 1,50,000 American soldiers, US is not able to contain the strife in Iraq. Everyday sparks a fresh violence in Iraq. On an average Iraq is hit with at least a single suicide attack. On a single day in last month, 150 Shias were done to death. In the past Al-Qaida used to rely heavily on foreign mercenaries, for its battle mission. But now it is contrived with Sunni Muslims for perpetuating attacks on Iraq. As a result, US military personnel are becoming the toast of targets. It is caught between deep devil and sea. It invaded Iraq under the pretext of Iraq gathering Chemical weapons. Till date it has not come up with a concrete evidence to exhibit Iraq's weaponisation programme. US hollowness in its cause stood exposed. 'Sep 11 attacks presented an effective case equiring the entire West Asia to be rebuilt, and Bush Government is committed to it' asserted Condolezza Rice, American Secretary of State. There is an ambiguity in Rice's argument. The death spree involving US army men in Iraq has not only saddened the families of victims but is causing panic in the US society. They are unable to digest the kind of death treatment being meted out to their sons and daughters in Iraq. Sensing the public mood US military officials held back the the army recruitment drives in current year. As part of recruitment drive, US Military officials camped at a Boston school last month to enroll youth into army. They faced a bizarre situation when parents' questioned the army officers' morale as to why don't they encourage their own children getting into army. This clearly explains the sort of situation US government has been encountering from its own people. Neither the multi-national coalition army running under US leadership nor the remote control government, what it installed and being, headed by Prime Miniser Eyed Allavi is able to provide adequate security to the Iraqi public. America has no clue to couter the guerialla warfare, being waged by rebellion forces. US remains a mute spectator to the sectarian killings taking place between rivals Shia-Kurd factions. Violent incidents between Sunni- Shia sections at Daura in southern Iraq, have become a routine affair. Hundreds of people are dying due to sectarian violence. Aggrieved over being alienated from power, Sunnis are resorting to ferocious attacks on shias. It is no wonder if this turbulence does spread from Lebanon to Afghanistan, ultimately engulfing whole West Asia. As indicated by Condolezza Rice, it will then be lot easier for US to implement its plans on West Asia. As if American forces repression measures alongside Sunni-Shia factional feuds are not enough, Iraq woes have compounded further with organised militant outfits also doing their bit to push Iraq into flames. The most secured location -'Green zone' in Baghdad, is being manned by some security agencies, which are incidentally under the control of US army. Adnan Talit Al Samurai, loyal to Iraq Prime Minister Eyed Allavi, is commandeering a 10,000 'Special Police Commandos' - which is one of these forces. Besides, US is breeding some other groups under the disguise of self-styled Iraq Armed forces. 'Mehadi Army' owing allegiance to Shia clergy Moktada Al Sadra, is running parallel Government in majority parts of Iraq. Islam organisations like Peshmerga, Badra Brigade enjoy US patronage, These are said to be comprising 80,000 army men in their ranks. Kurd-based Iraq President Jalal Talabani recently mooted a proposal,calling for utilizing the support of these forces, to liquidate sunni-rebellion forces. This eye for eye tactic will not yield the desired purpose. US President George Bush's approach to Iraq is all more faulty. The American President continues to treat Iraq as a prestigious issue even today. There has been less exuberance among Americans with regard to the developments in Iraq. Nature disasters like Katrina, virma and burgeoning gas prices are more important issues for them. Despite its expectations getting overturned, Bush Administration is not in favour of withdrawing its troops from Iraq. It is expected that US may be willing to think on such terms only ,when it satisfied with itself that the new elected government in Iraq in December, will be able to rein over its security forces. As a prelude to this, US expects the new elected government to attain stability. If US were to disband its operations in Iraq before the new government assumes office, then it would strengthen the notion that US made a retreat, accepting the victory of AL-QAIDA. It would be the safest bet if Bush makes an honourable exit from Iraq while ensuring that his grip over cash welch west Asia oil region is not lost.

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