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Articles: My Experience
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I used to have a friend. From childhood onwards we were very close. But our thoughts are different. I have a habit of think twice, thrice before doing a task and feel the experience. My friend is quite opposite. She will first do & then think. But she has the guts to face the problem, which I don't. She used to call me timid. Once there was a Singing competition at Gandhi Bhavan - Hyderabad in which we both took part. Actually her father ordered her not to go anywhere since Medicine entrance exams are nearing. Without informing at home she came out and taken part in the competition. She got second prize and that was telecasted in TV News ( In the event of women’s’ day celebrations). Her father saw her in news. Instead of praising her for her prize he was annoyed for not listening to his words & she got bangings from him. Poor girl! She is really an innocent and naughty girl. After writing her exams she got married to her cousin. Mean while she got a habit of going to some traditional bhajans where she a met a person who trapped her and finally she ran away with him. One day she came to my office saying that I have left the cheat and staying alone. After that she came many times to my office to say some thing to me. She even tried for me on phone many times but I ignored. At that time I was not bothered to here what she says. I started hating her. I was in a feeling that she has cheated all. Though I am her close friend she didn't even bothered to inform me. One day I got a call to my office that she was admitted in hospital - she attempted suicide. That time also I was least bothered to see her. I was planning to take nice class for her mistake after she comes home. Many people told me that she wants to see me. After fifteen days (She was there in the hospital) One day I felt to see her and took permission from my boss and rushed to the hospital. There every one shouted at me for not come to see her. When I entered in to her room I saw tears in her eyes I couldn’t control my self .That time also she was about to tell me some thing but she couldn’t. She took my hand in her hands and taken her last breath. Till now that agony is with me. I did a blunder. I could have the patience to here what she wanted to tell me. What made her to attempt the suicide? Is it not my responsibility to know about her? I could have excused her and I could have asked her. This agony will be with me till I reach the greave. This is a lesson to me. With this experience I tell you all people PLEASE EXCUSE PEOPLE WHO HURTS YOU AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT CIRCUMSTANSES MADE THEM TO HURT U.

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