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- Mr. Varaprasada Rao Imandi
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Never let lifes's hardships disturb you. After all, no one can avoid problems, not even saints or gods.' It is a part of human nature that there will be times that, in spite of all that we need to do, and even desire to, we will find ourselves not wanting to do anything. And what separates those who will become successful from those who will maintain the status-quo, is the ability at those very crucial moments of time when we are making decisions about what we will do, to choose to find the inner motivation that will enable us to conquer our complacency and move on in action. The measure of success usually comes down to who wins the battle that rages between the two of 'you'. The 'you' who wants -- to stop, give up, or take it easy, or the 'you' who chooses to keep going, work hard and never give up till goals are achieved. Honestly evaluate whether or not you need a break. The fact is that oftentimes we will have been working very hard and the lethargy we are feeling is really our body and emotions telling us that we simply need a break. And this is where it takes real intellectual honesty because even when we don't need a break our mind is still telling us we need a break! But sometimes we do need a break. For example when you are doing desk work, meetings, reviews, client meetings constantly for a month straight, day and night. You wake up one morning and just don't feel like doing it any more. Well, take a break for the morning. Go to a coffee shop and read the paper. Go to the driving range and hit a cricket ground or badminton court. Take a break and then get back to it! Reconnect the action with pleasure rather than pain. Psychologists have long told us that we humans tend to connect every action with either pleasure or pain. When we are finding ourselves lacking motivation, what we are probably finding about ourselves is that we are associating the action that we are thinking about with pain, rather than pleasure. For instance, when we feel like not going for exercise club on any given day, we usually associate going for workout -- no time, or the pain of exercising, or the boredom. What you can do to re-associate is to remind yourself that by going out and doing my exercise I will feel better about myself, I will lose/control weight, and I will live longer. This brings me pleasure. When you begin to run these kinds of tapes through our minds, you'll find your internal motivating force unleashed and changing our attitude about the action that we are considering. Remember, break or change in routine should not deviate you from your goals and performance, it should energize us to do more and achieve more.

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