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Articles: Philosophy
Patience is virtue
- Mr. Bhuvanendra Bhupala
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Patience is a very important quality that should be possessed by a result oriented individual or an achiever. In the ancient times, our sages and saints were doing ‘Tapas’ for various reasons viz., to gain control over the senses; for knowing the self; to realize the power (Divine) that rules the whole of nature. As a result, they were enlightened and achieved their goal. Their success of the ultimate in the spiritual sense automatically manifested in them the power of ‘Clairvoyance’. Clairvoyance in spiritual context could be defined and explained as : Clear-seeing; generally, the power to use the psychic sense of vision to see things on the astral plane, the imperfect shadows of things to come or the astral records of things past. But this faculty is of restricted scope and very apt to mislead; prematurely developed in an untrained person, it is more likely to lead to error than to benefit. True clairvoyance is the opening of spiritual vision, called in India the Eye of Shiva and beyond the Himalayas the Eye of superior vision (Divya Chakshu); a faculty that enables the seer to see the truth and to recognize it as such. Among the seven ‘shaktis’ (occult powers) enumerated ‘Jnaana-shakti’, which in its higher aspects is the power of knowing, true clairvoyance, but which on lower planes becomes more or less perfect psychic clairvoyance. True clairvoyance enables the seer to discern the reality behind its veils, to know right action, and to see what is happening in worlds removed by distance or difference of plane from our own. Retrospective clairvoyance interprets the past through its indelible records in the ‘akaasa’. It is possible for the humans to attain clairvoyance provided they practice over long periods of time the art of being patient and side by side seek the superior knowledge of spirituality and needless to state that all this should pass through a 100% righteous way of life i.e., undaunted and spotless style of life. It might require one to take several births to refine steadily and reach that state of deserving it. You know pretty well that ‘All spares are components but not all components are spares’. In the same way we can say that ‘All sages are clairvoyants but not all clairvoyants are sages’ Coming back to our subject, even to accomplish ordinary tasks you need to put in lots of efforts and have a good amount of patience. Such being the case, it is needless to mention of the extent of patience and efforts that are required for attaining spiritual goals such as ‘Eternal bliss and salvation’. Nothing is impossible in this world. You only need to strengthen your faculties as per the requirement of the task ahead. That’s the secret. To maintain cordial relations with others either in personal life or in business one needs to maintain poise in all spheres of one’s dealings. Getting enraged or upset over every trivial matter in life is not healthy both for body and the mind. An agitated mind loses the intellect at that point of time. This is aptly said in Bhagavad geeta by The Lord Sri Krishna as: ‘Krodhaadbhavati sammohaa sammohaa smruti vibhramaha smrutibhramsaa buddhinaaso buddhinaasat pranasyati’ Meaning, anger leads to delusion, delusion leads to loss of memory, memory loss leads to loss of wisdom or the power of discrimination. Analysis of a problem is possible only when you maintain your cool. Decisions taken in an emotional state or haste seldom yield favorable results. Mother in a family is the ideal for the younger ones. Very often than not, they follow her in her approach to a given situation. Hence, she should preach and practice the art of developing patience and also train them to look into the pros and cones of the situation or event that needs a decision. It does not mean that the Father in the family is excluded from this scenario. He too should demonstrate these qualities failing which children would be deprived of the confidence level, might develop impatience and would even turn rebellious. Subsequently this attitude then results in rejection by the society which is not a welcoming situation in one’s life. Parents are the best source for children to imbibe the noble qualities of Patience and endurance. One has to first shred ego and selfishness in order to qualify for guiding others in this area. So also to dispel the vices that are deep rooted with in, you need strong conviction, endurance to gain control. Raw sugar crystal blocks are no doubt sweet, but are hard to swallow in one gulp. If attempted, it might damage the throat. However, if the crystals are soaked in the mouth for some time and chewed patiently you can enjoy its sweet taste without harming the throat. Please note that the sweetness in both the cases is the same but the result of joy or pain depends on the type of action. Make a wise decision thus. Cultivate the habit of exhibiting patience and have confidence to obtain the desired result. Time and again it has been proved that ‘PATIENCE ALWAYS PAYS’ & “PATIENCE IS VIRTUE’. The very fact that you read this article - is an index of your patience. Keep it up!

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