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Articles: Politics
The power politics
- Mr. VNS Raju Inapakutiki
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Many have predicted that Lok Sabha would have mid have mid term polls. Many in this country are also aware that UPA wants to be in power for the entire tenure and it would do any thing to avert the mid term polls. Similarly the Govt of AP would also last till its tenure is over. To be in power is to keep that power intact. Congress will do its best in the leadership of Ms.Sonia to ensure that its governments serve full term given to them. The reasons for this are the needs that congress and its members have: Continuous supply of party funds Ever increasing needs and the ability to satisfy them by being in the power But, Congress has been failing to understand the very impact it creates whenever it comes to power. The impact its creates on the social fabric of this country has so far been, traditionally and conveniently: Ensuring that the people remain dependent on Govt, meaning polticians Ensuring that public money is spent on projcts that are mired in controversies, corruption, etc. Ensuring that the names of Indira and Rajiv are intact in the minds of the people by various schemes that are desinged to be failures but intended to make the impementing agencies richer. This style of politics of development has proved beyond times that it is the only fool proof way to fool people. These schemes have made the Local Bodies like Panchayats and Municipalities ineffective for the decades together. Ensuring that the caste, religion and regional disparities remain as they are. The recent mudslinging between TDP Head Naidu and YSR are going to be remembered very well by the voters of this state. They have unknowingly - may be by design of the God - fallen in their own traps now and they got to proove themselves by making the details of the wealth they own known to people. Another disturbing trend in our Constitution is its silence on the provision to allow peole to become MPs and MLAs as many number of time as they wish. Take for instance the case of Somnath Chaterjee who has been the MP for 10 times, meaning he had server 10 X 5 = 50 YEARS as MP by: Not allowing any one from his constituency to become MP. In a country rich in Human Resouces should we allow individuals to remain as MPs and MLAs for decades together. Does this country has the dearth of political talent? Do the people now in power are the only ones capable to Govern the Country? Should we not ensure that no one is allowed to become MLA or MP not more than once in his life time??

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