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Articles: Moral Stories
Missing Rib...
- Mr. NagadharŠ Bandi
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Nothing new the same copy paste. A girl in love asked her boyfriend... Girl: Tell me... who do you love most in this world..? By: You, of course! Girl: In your heart, what am I to you? Boy: The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said, 'You are my rib. In the Bible, it was said that God saw that Adam was lonely, during his sleep; God took one of Adam's rib and created Eve. Every man has been searching for his missing rib, only when you find the woman of your life; you'll no longer feel the lingering ache in your heart...' After their wedding, the couple had a sweet and happy life for a while. However, the youthful couple began to drift apart due to the busy schedule of life and the never-ending worries of daily problems... their life became mundane. All the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to gone away their dreams and love for each other.. The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became more heated. One day, after the quarrel, the girl ran out of the house... At the opposite side of the road, she shouted, 'You don't love me...!' The boy hated her childishness and out of impulse, retorted, 'Maybe, it was a mistake for us to be together..! You were never my missing rib...!' Suddenly, she turned quiet and stood there for a long while... He regretted what he said but words spoken are like thrown away water, you can never take it back. With tears, she went home to pack her things and was determined in breaking-up. Before she left the house, 'If I'm really not your missing rib, please let me go... She continued, 'It is less painful this way... let us go on our separate ways and search for our own partners...'

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