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Articles: Literature
Tuesdays With Morrie
- Ms. Sowmya V.B.
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Let me begin with a disclaimer that this is not a review! This is just my perception of a book and my personal reactions after reading this book. I stopped naming my articles on books as reviews some time back because they are not those. I am putting all of them in literature section coz they refer to some piece of literature. 'Tuesdays With Morrie' is a series of discussions between Morrie Schwartz and his ex-student Mitch Albom, made in to a book by Mitch Albom. I recently came to know that it was made in to a movie too. Well, coming to the point, this book is about living life. It can be understood as a sort of 'Art of Living'. I am using this phrase because it can reach people better owing to its popularity. This is a tale of great optimism. Ofcourse, there are lots of other things in the book, but what fascinated me the most was Morrie's optimism. I feel its very difficult to maintain such a degree of optimism given Morrie’s condition. The book stresses on the role of 'LOVE' in one's life. 'the most important thing in life is how to give out love and how to let it come in' Morrie says at one place. Personally, I never thought of the importance of displaying love and affection. But, this gave a new dimension for me. Being open.....again...Morrie Schwatrz and his openness of thought amazed me. I am a sort of propagandist for remaining a hidden person.... :) But, Morrie very logically proved that his option is a better one. 'Only Open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone' is Morrie's maxim. I think i have became more open with people since i read this book. Morrie appears to hate self-pity. 'Accept what you are and revel in that' - he says to Mitch at one instance. He gives a lot of importance to 'feeling'. That was obvious from some of his experiences mentioned in the book. 'sometimes you can't believe what you see. You have to believe what you feel' is his philosophy. When Morrie was saying about being open, being emotional and all that stuff, I didn't understand one thing: Shouldn't one have self-control? Morrie himself answered this question saying: 'You let the emotion penetrate you fully. Thats how you will leave it'. Well..... that sounds pretty true for me. If u revel in the emotion, ultimately we will surpass it. Self Control can be achieved in the next stage i guess.

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