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Articles: Philosophy
Matter to Master
- Mr. Bhuvanendra Bhupala
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The world we see is a reality. By world, we mean the planet Earth, which houses both living and non -living entities. The Earth has one Sun and a Moon which move in a programmed fashion. The four seasons summer,winter,spring and Autumn change in a periodic fashion with great accuracy and has been so over millions of years.When we believe in nature and the entities in it, logically it could be construed that there must have been someone who created these. Thus, we call him the CREATOR.. His capabilities, planning, creative ability must have been of a very high degree of professional order. The nature by and large is made up of FIVE elements called as ‘Pancha Bhutas’ in ‘Sanatana Dharma’ terminology.Though the meaning of ‘Sanatana Dharma’ could be explained in several ways it is sufficient in this context to know it as the most ancient way of righteous life on Earth. The five elements are Earth,Water, Fire, Air and Sky or space. The physical bodies (‘Sthoola Dehas’)of species like humans,animals,insects, reptiles and many other are composed of these five elements.Even in the several inventions that man has made are based on the material available from the world itself. Man did not create new materials. At the most pure metals have been extracted by refining the ores from the ground through industrial processes. Man is only manipulating with the materials to suit his need. The above explanation is all about saying that nature’s contribution is vital in human life. Sun is a source of most intense light and heat energies that can be felt on the Earth planet. Without Sun the globe would be like a pitch dark house. Without light it is hard to perceive that the world exists even though we have good visual faculty. Without sun light plants can not produce Chlorophyl and the seasons would not occur, there would be no rain, and oxygen may not exist. See the yeoman contribution of planet Sun to the Earth! In return to this gesture humans are not reciprocating and on the other hand are polluting the atmosphere with some of their inventions and causing the ‘Green House’ effect. If this type of pollution assumes alarming proportions in few centuries from now, then it is certain that human specie would be on the extinct totally together with the other lighter species.

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