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Mere ko pagal kutte...
- Prof. 00782 Maverick
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Subject: A must read Interview: Mere ko pagal kutte ne kata hai kya? Rahul Bajaj MP Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 13:52:59 +0530 'Am I bitten by a rabid dog?' This interview explains how 'Dubious People Get In Parliament' with any debates and exposure to public. It is a very interesting talk. Does Sonia pay my salary: Bajaj Karan Thapar: Hello and welcome to Devil's Advocate. On Thursday my guest became India's newest MP dividing the Congress and the NCP and putting a warm smile on the face of BJP and Shiv Sena. Three days later, how does he look back on his debut in politics and how does he explain the controversy he has created. Those are the two critical questions I shall put today to Rahul Bajaj. Mr Bajaj, just less than three months ago when the CNBC asked you if you would consider joining politics, you replied, 'Mere ko pagal kutte ne kata hai kya? Pagal hai kya main? Three months later, am I to understand that you have gone mad? Rahul Bajaj: Pagal hai kya main nahi, pagal hoon kya main. That's what I said. Karan Thapar: I think you actually spoke that with a Mumbaiya accent. Rahul Bajaj: I did say that, which ever accent. I haven't gone against that, I still maintain that. I don't know which of us is mad I am not. That's for sure. Karan Thapar: But do you accept that today you are in politics? Rahul Bajaj: Of course not. Karan Thapar: Why not? Rahul Bajaj: What makes you say that I am in politics? Karan Thapar: Because you are an MP. Rahul Bajaj: So? Karan Thapar: MPs are in politics. Parliament is politics. Rahul Bajaj: That is what you say. Is there a law anywhere? Can you show it to me? Karan Thapar: That is a common understanding of the term. Are you changing that understanding? Rahul Bajaj: There are many common understanding of terms which are wrong, which Gandhi changed. Karan Thapar: You have said repeatedly to people who have interviewed you that you will not join politics, but you have. Rahul Bajaj: No I have not joined politics. I have joined the Rajya Sabha. I am delighted to be in the Rajya Sabha. Karan Thapar: But the Rajya Sabha is a part of politics, Mr Bajaj. Rahul Bajaj: Being a citizen of a democracy you are also part of politics Mr Thapar. Karan Thapar: No, being a citizen of a democracy is not what joining the Rajya Sabha as an MP is. Why are you so reluctant to accept that? I have repeatedly heard you saying in interviews that independent MP's are not politicians but you are completely wrong.

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