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Articles: Education/Training
Principles for Principals
- Mr. T.R.Sridhar Prasad. Uppalapati.
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3. Attending to the complaints of the students, their parents, and also the teachers and taking effective steps to avoid their recurrence. 4. Maintaining cordial relationships with parents, students, teaching and non-teaching staff, and also the local community. 5. Formulation of timetable, and to see that the teachers stick to it strictly. In the event of absence of any teacher, arrangements should be made for substitutions/alternatives with the available teachers on a particular day. 6. Encouraging extra-curricular activities and rewarding the talented children in recognition of their out standing performance. Rewarding the teachers too who trained children in developing a skill like singing, dancing etc. This attitude of principal encourages merit. Unfortunately in some private schools in Hyderabad and in many parts of India, there are no facilities for games and sports and in some schools the students are advised to play on the roof top of the school itself which is dangerous as children were allowed to go to the roof tops without any supervision!. 7.Conducting examinations in time and despatching the report cards as scheduled. The failed students should be given counselling by the principal on the various issues of tackling the tough examinations. In other words the principal has to allocate some time to give guidelines/tips to the failed students. 8.Counselling / guiding the teachers who do not teach well and also who involve in punishing the students physically and by using filthy language. The principal should also guide the teachers to spend their time productively/effeciently in the staff room as some teachers involve in use less gossip and waste the time of other teachers too.Hence the principal has to monitor the activities of teachers without fear and favour. The principal can ask such teachers to 1. Correct note books/answer sheets, 2. prepare for the next class, 3. Prepare notes for the students, 4. Thinking of preparing students for any cultural events/extra curricular activities etc. Some faculty membvers even force other teachers to go out of the school to give company to smoke a cigar or for a tea. If any teacher repeats besides warnings by the principal, such teachers must be removed from the service to create a good environment in the staff room. 9. One of the most important duties is to take care of cleanliness of the premises of the school or college. Some parents do judge the credibilty of an educational institution by this factor too besides the institution's academic performance(results in the past years), fee structure, quality of the teachers etc.

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