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Articles: Festivals
- Mr. mohan Konneti
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Story of Dundhi It is believed that long ago there was an ogress called Dundhi who used to scare and trouble children in the kingdom of Prithu. She had many boons, which made her almost invincible but due to a curse from Lord Shiva, she was susceptible to the shouts, abuses and pranks of village boys. It is believed that on Holi day, these children united and made combined efforts to chase away Dundhi by shouting at her, abusing her and playing pranks on her and finally succeeded in their mission. This is the reason that young boys are allowed to use rude words on this day without anybody taking offence. Story of Prahlad

Hiranyakashypu was the king of the Asuras. Hiranyakashypu's brother had been slain by Vishnu for terrorising gods and goddesses. So Hiranyakashypu wanted to destroy Vishnu and keep other Gods in heaven subdued. He told his soldiers to crush all those who worship Vishnu, but the Gods protected the Devotees of Vishnu. Hiranyakashypu thought to himself 'I will have to match my powers to Vishnu's to rule over the three worlds'. So he began to perform severe penances and tapasya. While he was so occupied the Gods ransacked his city and destroyed his palace. Hiranyakashypu's Queen, who was expecting a child was sent by the gods to Sage Narada's hermitage. She lived in the Ashram of the great sage and learned about religion and the glory of Vishnu from him. The child within her, Prahlad, too, absorbed all this knowledge. Narada taught the Queen that Vishnu is the soul of all created things and is present everywhere. Meanwhile, Hiranyakashypu's austerities pleased Brahma and said: 'Arise Hiranyakashypu. Any boon that you ask of me shall be yours'. Hiranyakashypu said I wish that my death be not caused by man or beast, with a weapon or without a weapon, during day or night, indoors or outdoors, on earth or in the sky. Grant me the undisputed lordship over the material world. Hiranyakashypu brought his wife back to his city where Prahlad was born. Hiranyakashypu, with his new powers renewed his hostilities against Vishnu and his followers. He declared 'There is non stronger than I. I am the lord of the three worlds. I shall be worshipped as such'. Prahlad in the meanwhile was growing up and was Hiranyakashypu's delight. He asked Prahlad: 'Son, tell me what do you think is the best thing in life'? Prahlad replied: 'To renounce the world and seek refuge in Vishnu'. Hiranyakashypu laughed. Then he called his Son's teacher to him, saying: 'Guard him closely. I think that the followers of Vishnu are secretly influencing him. Don't let him out of your sight! After many months, his teacher said: 'Prahlad, I think you are now ready to meet your father.' His father asked him: 'You have been with your Guru a long time! What have you learnt? Prahlad said: 'I have learnt that the most worthwhile occupation for anyone is the worship of Lord Vishnu'. Hirnaykashypu was very angry: 'O cursed child! Who taught you such perverse things?' Prahlad remained calm and said: 'Vishnu. He reveals himself to all who are devoted to him.' Hiranyakashypu shouted angrily: 'This boy must not live! Take him away and kill him! Kill this vilest enemy disguised as my son. Poison him or attack him when he sleeps, but kill him!' The soldiers started attacking Prahlad, when Prahlad was meditating on Lord Vishnu, but their weapons could not touch Prahlad. Most deadly snakes were let loose on Prahlad, but their fangs turned impotent. Mighty elephants could not trample him. Something kept them back. He was pushed off a cliff but Prahlad was unharmed. Holika, the wicked aunt of Prahlad, had a boon to brave fire without hurt. She sat with Prahlad in fire but Prahlad was unharmed. In desperation Hiranyakashypu had him fed with deadly poison but it turned into nectar in Prahlad's mouth. Prahlad was sent to his teacher to try again. This time the teacher tried to get Prahlad interested in means for acquiring wealth and physical pleasures. But Prahlad thought to himself: 'How can the pursuit of physical pleasures and wealth bring happiness? It will only lead to envy and anger?' The teacher eventually gave up, when Prahlad told his father that Vishnu is the soul of all created beings and is present everywhere. Hiranyakashypu roared: Where is Vishnu? If he is everywhere why is he not in this Pillar? If he is not there then I shall cut off your head with my sword. Let Vishnu, your Lord protect you.' As Hiranyakashypu was striking the Pillar? With his sword, Lord Vishnu, in the form of Nara-simha (nara=man,simha=lion) emerged from the Pillar. His look was neither beast nor man. Narsimha caught Hiranyakashypu during the twilight hour, carried him to the threshold of the court- room which was neither indoors nor outdoors and while holding him on his lap, killed him. Prahlad was installed on the throne and he ruled wisely and well for many years. The religious significance of the festival of Holi is to mark the burning of self-conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, hatred, in fact all the undesirable demonic tendencies, propensities, thoughts and behaviours.The victory of righteous forces over demonical forces. Story of Kamadeva After the death of his consort Sati, Lord Shiva was so shocked and hurt that he went into a deep meditation and stopped looking after his worldly responsibilities. This led to many complications in the world's affairs. Thus, the gods conspired to bring him out of his trance with the help of Goddess Parvati, who wished to marry the great lord and Kamadeva, the God of love and passion . Though, mindful of the consequences, Kamadeva undertook the task for the world's good and shot one of his love arrows on the great Lord who had mastered all the worldly temptations. As Shiva's eyes opened, he was furious by the trick of Kamadeva and directed the wrath of his third eye on him and burned him on the spot. However, later he did give him an immortal life. It is believed that Lord Shiva burned Kamadeva on the day of Holi and thus, many people worship him for his sacrifice and offer him mango blossoms that he loved and sandalwood paste to cool off the pain of his fatal burns.

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