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Articles: Philosophy
Why We Should Study `GEETA'
- Mr. Bhuvanendra Bhupala
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Sri Krishna during the childhood days was very naughty and his mother Yashoda was vexed with his pranks and complaints from neighborhood of stealing butter & cheese. When she pressed hard for showing what he had in his mouth he did open his mouth wide. Then she was awe stuck, spell bound, amazed and ironically dismayed at what she saw. Krishna showed in his mouth, the Galaxies of the whole universe consisting of 14 worlds , Space, Stars, Moon, Sun, 840 million species, heaven, hell etc. infinite dimensions. It is said that on such an occasion Lord gives to the benefactor the divine wisdom & vision for a very short duration just sufficient to realize who He is and what He does and the next fraction of a minute throws back to normal. Thereafter the benefactor cannot even recall this event. Such is His Play. Readers may recall Krishna’s cosmic form in Kuru Sabha when Krishna was being threatened by Kauravas who had planned to slay Him. Divine Vision was then given only to few like Pandavas, Dhrutarashtra, Bhishma, Vidura and none else.This vision was withdrawn by Him subsequently. All others fell unconscious unable to visualize the amazing amount of cosmic light to the tune of a billion suns Light. So also, during the course of Bhagavad Geeta discourse by Lord Krishna he displayed his Cosmic form and gave Arjuna the Vision and the very quintessence of the Universal Science of Life. This indeed is a testimony to the divine glory of Lord Krishna. Once after the Kurukshetra war, when Pandavas were ruling their kingdom, Arjuna besought Sri Krishna “OH Lord! I was fortunate to receive from you the teachings of the Gita but that was in the din and hustle-bustle of the battlefield, I would very much like to hear it once again at leisure in the calm serene and peaceful atmosphere now reigning. To this the Lord replied, “Oh Arjuna, I do not have the same inspiration today but that day my form and words were befitting to the occasion. I cannot recapture the same teaching again.' Although nothing would be impossible for the Omniscient Lord, this episode serves to highlight the extra-ordinary greatness of the Bhagwad Geeta. The time, the Place and the dramatic context selected by the Lord to give His supreme teaching to humanity were unique. Both the Kauravas and Pandavas armies were lined up face to face and the war was about to begin. The minds of all the soldiers taking part in the war were agitated because they were under tension of an explosive war. This being the scenario, who else but God Himself could have the poise and the power to expound such a simple and yet profound philosophic teaching?

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