Man held with 132 kg of ganja Visakhapatnam, May 10 (INN): S Rayavaram police on Tuesday apprehended a person for illegal transporting Ganja weighing about 132 Kilograms. According to Sub-Inspector Rambabu, the accused, identified as Chowda Bhavani, was arrested after police, along with Village Revenue Officer, conducted searches of vehicles near Narsipatnam Railway Station following a tip off.
They managed to catch a man who deserted his auto-rickshaw on the road and tried to flee on seeing the search party. Chowda Bhavani (20) is a resident of Kothalam village in Rolagunta mandal. Six bags of Ganja weighing about 132 kilograms and his vehicle were seized.
Mr Rambabu further revealed that the accused has confessed that being addicted to a lavish lifestyle and was a regular seller of the contraband to sustain his habits. He used to sell the Ganja at Vijayawada and Rajahmundry in order to make out easy money. The value of the seized Ganja was estimated to be Rs 2 lakh.
A case has been registered under NDPS Act against Bhavani. Further investigations are on.
News Posted: 10 May, 2011